Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday.

After Sophia took a three hour nap this afternoon (so nice) we decided to get out and enjoy the nice weather. We stopped by Villa Bella to get a decaf latte. The new kid who works there had the hardest time figuring out my drink. Vanilla latte, soy milk, decaf. Is it really that difficult? No. I make coffee for a living. I almost asked him if I could just make it. Anyway, I drank my latte, which was not that good, and I start to feel all crazy. Keep in mind I have not had large quantities of caffeine for over 6 months. I was freaking out! My hands were all shaky, and I was dizzy. I can't believe I used to choose to feel that way. I took a few crazy pictures of the fam and then we went out for a walk to burn off some energy. We walked around the east bench of ogden. I love it up there. When Kevin and I decide to buy a house, that is where we are going to live. I can't wait.

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