Sunday, July 27, 2008

Washington Lake

This weekend was my family's annual camp out reunion get together. We usually go to a campground near Mt. Timpanogas, but this year we were in need of something new. Washington Lake is in the Uintah mountains, and it is beautiful. Normally we stay for three days, but Kevin and I are kind of lame and didn't really feel lake sleeping in a tent with Sophia for that long. We headed up there early this morning, and spent a marvelous day in the great outdoors. I was amazing and remembered to take my camera, but of course, it died before I could capture the best moments from the day. The following pictures are from the Provo Falls. It was a pretty neat-o little spot. We let Sophia play in the water, and Kevin and I tried unsuccessfully to brave the falls and cross the river.
After we got back from the falls, Kevin and I went out on Washington Lake in some Kayaks. It was exhilarating. I love love love the mountains. It was so nice to sit out on the middle of this beautiful lake, and just listen to the silence. We were the only people out there. The water was like black glass, it was really peaceful and amazing. Much needed. Anyway, that is all for now. :)

1 comment:

Carly said...

I wouldn't want to sleep in a tent all week, either. Cute pictures, it looks beautiful.